Privacy collection notice

Privacy collection notice

Healthy Business Performance Group Pty Ltd (ACN 075 007 500) (we, our, us, Healthy Business) is a health and wellbeing coaching service provider. We aim to provide our clients with a holistic program which addresses health and wellbeing under four key health pillars: mental health, physical health, lifestyle habits, and sleep and fatigue.

The purpose for which we collect your personal information is for our legitimate interest to provide our services, provide information about the services we offer and to answer your various questions.

We use your information for these purposes as well as for any other purposes:

  • to which you have consented,
  • that you would reasonably expect us to use the information for and which are directly related to the above purposes, or
  • that are otherwise permitted at law.

We may disclose your personal information to our third-party service providers that assist us with the provision of our services or with our internal management and administration, our Related Bodies Corporate (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001), your health insurer, GP or other referring body, and any entities outlined in our Privacy Policy.

If we do not collect your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our services or answer certain questions you may have.

More detailed information about the way Healthy Business uses and discloses your personal information is set out in our comprehensive Privacy Policy at

Our Privacy Policy includes information about how you can opt-out of marketing communications from us, how you may access your personal information or seek correction of your personal information. Our Privacy Policy also includes information about how you may make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled.

Please address all requests or questions about how we deal with your personal information, requests for access to your information or to tell us that you no longer wish to receive any communications from us to or to the attention of the Privacy Officer at 54a Main Road, Moonah TAS 7009. You may also request a copy of our Privacy Policy at the above addresses.