Introduction to psychosocial safety

Establishing a mentally healthy and safe workplace

Is your workplace meeting its mental health and safety requirements?

Building and maintaining a mentally healthy and safe workplace is now more important than ever. On top of meeting your workplace health and safety (WHS) obligations, research shows that it can also increase productivity and morale; help you attract and retain good staff; and reduce absenteeism and workers compensations claims.

Whether your organisation is just getting started with psychosocial safety, or you have identified hazards that you are looking to mitigate, Healthy
Business has a range of solutions that can help you manage the process with ease and keep your employees safe from psychological harm.

Use our free psychosocial safety progress review to see how your organisation aligns to the ‘Code Of Practice, Managing psychosocial hazards at work’ and identify what areas you need to focus on.

Get Started

How we can help

Getting started with psychosocial safety

Solutions for organisations who are just getting started or for those who are unsure what they need to do:

  1. Psychosocial Hazards Education - A series of informative education sessions for leaders (x3) and employees (x1) on psychosocial hazards.

  2. FlourishDx - A leading workplace mental health digital platform to help prevent mental illness and increase WHS compliance.

  3. Psychosocial Safety Progress Review – A free review to establish your organisational needs

  4. People at work survey – A free psychosocial risk assessment survey by the Australian Government.

Preventing harm from
known hazards

Solutions for organisations with known hazards or those looking to proactively mitigate potential hazards:

  1. Psychosocial hazard support – Consultative services to assist with the mitigation or management of a range of common psychosocial hazards.

Fostering mental

Solutions for organisations wanting to promote and support the mental health and wellbeing of their people:

  1. Mental health presentations – Provide your team with a greater awareness of mental health and what actions to take to support their mental wellbeing and resilience.

  2. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – Providing employees with access to confidential mental health support, no matter where they are located.

What are psychosocial hazards?

Psychosocial hazards in the workplace are aspects in the design or management of work that may cause a stress response, which in turn can lead to psychological or physical harm. While these will vary for every organisation, some common psychosocial hazards include:

  • high or low job demand,
  • poor support from managers, supervisors and/or colleagues,
  • conflict or poor workplace relationships,
  • exposure to traumatic events,
  • bullying,
  • harassment, including sexual harassment,
  • violence and aggression,
  • low job control,
  • remote or isolated work, and
  • exposure to poor quality or hazardous working environments

To manage psychosocial risks, organisations need to follow the same four-step systematic process that is used for managing any other health and safety risk. This involves identifying the hazards, assessing the risks, implementing control measures and regularly reviewing them to make sure they remain effective.

The Australian Governments People at Work survey can help you get started with the process.

What are my obligations?

As an employer, you have an duty under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to ensure both the physical and psychological health and safety of your workers, so far as reasonably practicable.

Until recently, the management of psychosocial risks has been unregulated in Australia. However in response to multiple WHS legislation reviews, additional regulations and Codes of Practice are now being implemented in states and territories across Australia, requiring organisations to identify and manage their psychosocial risks.

Find out more

Is your workplace meeting its mental health and safety requirements?

Assess your psychosocial safety progress now

Go beyond compliance

When you partner with Healthy Business, we can help you to not only meet these obligations, but we can also guide you towards setting a high standard in employee mental health, safety and wellbeing.

Aside from meeting compliance with WHS legislation, creating a mentally healthy and safe workplace has many other benefits for your organisation.

Increased employee wellbeing and productivity
Reduce absenteeism from illnesses and psychological injuries
Decreased compensation claims
Improved standing as an employer of choice

Make your workplace mentally healthy and safe

Inquire now